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Who doesn't have to be able to
作者: iq午夜幽灵 41岁 | 贵州-六盘水 2013-09-11 22:24:24 | 440

Do not live for a person, a person undertakes two people's love isvery painful, only some two hearts go to the sincerity managementlove, that is the true love. In love world untrue happiness, alsocannot have any eternal the joy, the people all have the sentimentafter all, has the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, alwayshas too many realities to let you be unable not to give a thought tothe love, your I am only in this mortal world, Also how possibly doesn't attend to others and friend's judgement,does not look after the household the person and friend's mood, doesnot give a thought to others' feeling love, pursues? Perhaps you canleaves in her feel bad sadly, but always loses own soul to be betterthan. Because nobody can accompany you for a lifetime... ...
If you really love a person, that person then can the time which mostwants to forget in you appears in yours heart, can most feel bad inyou the time which most loses appears in yours heart, but you hadactually thought wants actually to be unable to determine whether hasto tell him you now the feeling, you now worried, because you careabout her feeling, cares about her idea. But some times more are careabout are easier to lose, is easier to let oneself be injured. Is this loves? This kind of love is very painful, likes me to be same,the love do not have to like in the hand the soil more to grasp, iseasy to flow off, finally is left over is only the few few dust. Ifloves also like this, more is the love, is easier to lose, then wewhether do have to maintain the certain distance, Mind distance? But does such, between us occur together can in where?These day becomes quite the same as occurring together, misses was apity. We always in are waiting for, these happy footprints, when youturn head again time she has already vanished, original is happy wasin the front.
Own have paid, do not have to regret has lost that sentiment, a personlife only had not discussed the love does not handle other matters,perhaps turns around in you, she left you, such matter is unable toavoid, every day is occurring. Do not believe these love novel,because we are the life in the reality, but is not in the fairy tale,who doesn't have to be able to wait for who for a lifetime.




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